Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Vital 5 Minutes...

There are only two siblings in my family, my younger sis and I. As the first child, i noe my mother had suffered lots of sicknesses during the 9 months of pregnancy period. When the time that i was nearly born, she told me that she had a very tough moment. First, she was so sick and my grandma called a local midwife to look after my mum. The midwife did some treatments and massaged my mum. but it didnt contribute any betterment to the situation. my mum still struggled and couldnt cope with it. then the ambulance was called. the nurse checked my mum n she said that the position of the baby (me) in the womb was abnormal, supposedly a normal position should be the head of the baby is at the bottom and the legs are up, but i was vice versa. plus the nurse said that she could see the baby's legs. so it was indeed the time to deliver. reached at the hospital, my mum was directly brought to the surgery theatre. the doctor in charged said that it was a critical situation. plus if my mum was not sent to the hospital n be there the past 5 minutes, both the mother and the baby (my mum and I) would be 'gone'. Alhamdulillah, thank God, if not i wont be able to see this world, n I really thank my mum for the very very very big sacrifice she faced in order to save me n of coz for raising me up to be my now n a better person. for me she is my everything. she's the best fren indeed when i'm in deepest in need, she's the greatest 'teacher' of my life, she accepts who i am and always pour advises for me to walk on the right path of life. I wont forget her sacrifices (mak, cek sayang mak). Terima kasih mak...SELAMAT HARI IBU... ...Ni la ibu ku sayang...
HaPpY MoThEr's DaY